One of my running mama’s Jimmi told me that I should post what I am going to do and be accountable for it that way everyone could kick my butt if I did not do it. So last night I decided to post that I planned to run 8 miles today and posted it on facebook. Man I wish I had not done that. I was not feeling this run today, my legs hurt my feet hurt everything in me was yelling STOP go crawl back in bed! But I just kept thinking that there was no way I could go back home and post that I did not make the 8 miles, so I kept pushing on. I also was virtually running with two other of my running mama’s Anna and Jill (the three of us ran the Princess ½ together) so I knew they were counting on me to run today. I really wish we could have actually run together today though I really could have used them to help keep my mind off the pain today. Hopefully there runs went better than mine!
I also had the brilliant idea to run with my compression socks on today, thinking that it would help my shin splints. Well let me just say THAT WAS A DUMB IDEA!!!! Not even 1 mile in to the run I plopped my butt on the ground and ripped those suckers off. Man they hurt my calves it was such a relief to get those suckers off. This just goes under the Tracey’s list of how to make a bad run worse. After I got those suckers off and the pressure on my calves was relieved the run did not go much better. I was just tired and my body hurt. I did an out and back so I had no choice but to finish, I will say that every mile I would think I could turn around now and just do 4, four is good but then I would think about everyone who was counting on me to do this. At about mile six I really wanted it to just be over and I was really kicking myself for doing the out and back, then I thought about my friend Cathy who ran her first Marathon last week and starting having a hard time at 6miles but pushed through and ran another 20 miles, if she could do that I surely could do 2 more miles right? As soon as Garmin beeped that I was at 8miles I stopped and walked the rest of the way to the car. I was so glad it was over.
As bad as this run was, I am so glad I did it. I feel so much better having gotten out there and ran. And I know that my next run will not be as bad, this one just sucked because I had not run in a while. Thanks to everyone who pushed me and kicked my tushy to get me out the door to get this run in! And remember you will never regret running but you WILL regret it if you don’t.
Awesome job!! My biggest struggle is getting out the door!
great post, tracey! now i feel extra guilty about not upholding my end of the virtual run. however, i make a commitment to you (and i'll post on FB too) to run at least 4 miles tomorrow. b/c you are right: you don't regret regret NOT running!
Great post!! AND Guess what.... You did it!! Posting what I plan to do each week (or on daily mile) is soo effective in actually getting out there and doing it!
Again, way to go!
L Finch
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