The first thing that surprised me was that Caleb (the guy who fitted me) said my feet were not wide. The last time I got fitted for shoes I was told I had wide feet and was given an Extra Wide shoe. When I expressed my shock and disbelief at the fact that my feet were a normal width (I have thought for a couple of years now that I had freakishly wide feet) Caleb put me back on the scale and showed me again. WOW! My feet measured normal, ha I do not have troll feet!!! This made me very happy and opened a lot of shoe doors for me, but I am still a skeptic and wonder if this could be really true. After I ran barefoot on the treadmill to check out my gait I started trying on several shoes and running in them. I was a little concerned that they all felt a little tight. Caleb assured me that they fit and I was just use to swimming in my other shoes, which was most likley the cause of my blisters too. I finally decided on a pair and then was talked into getting some inserts for my arch that apparently rolls in and could be the cause of my shin splints. Caleb showed me the video of me running and explained how the way I was landing could cause my shin splints, and like I said I am desperate at this point and will try anything so I took them.
Later that day I went for a run in my new kicks (Brooks Ariel Medium Width). After about 2 miles my right foot started to hurt so I loosened up the shoe as much as I could and pushed through to 2.5 miles. At this point I was back to my car so I left the park and was very disappointed in my new shoes. On the drive home I decided that I really did not give them a chance and then hit the treadmill for another 2 miles when I got home. They really did not bother me much on the treadmill so I decided to try them out one more time before I took them back. The next planned run was an 8 miler and I thought that would be a great distance to try out the shoes. Well I got sick this weekend and never did get my long run in so I tried them out today. I planned to do a 5 mile run so I went to the park and took off. About 2 miles in to the run my feet were killing me, I mean really killing me and not just one both. I stopped to walk a bit then tried to run again, they hurt so bad I ended up limping back to the car. So these shoes are a flop, I am going to get them in a wider width and see how they work, and I may just take those inserts out too.
Why does finding my perfect running shoe have to be so hard? Is it too much to ask for a shoe that fits, and does not hurt my feet or give me blisters?
It sounds like these (especially with the arch supports) are significantly different to your old fit. They may yet work for you but, you would really have to ease your feet into them. I would try just wearing them around the house doing normal things for a few days then try them on the treadmill again. Just my 2¢
tracey, i'm new to your running plight...but have you visited a podiatrist? since you are having such issues with shin splints, it might be worthwhile to check out a dr's opinion. i had shin splints (along w/ other foot issues) and after a $450 orthodic (yikes) the shin issues are gone...
Hi Crystal, That is a good point. I already called to get a wider pair ordered, but I may need to ease into the arch support. I will try putting them in my regular shoes and walking around and see if that helps. Thanks!
Hey Jill! I am going to try the wider pair and if those don't work then I will try a podiatrist. This is getting so frustrating, I just want to run!
Saw your blog link over at forums...
It's crazy how much a difference shoes make. I recently got fitted for shoes and they made such a huge difference. I was never able to run more than 3-4 miles at a time before my feet would start hurting. After having my weight distribution measured via computer, it was determined my arches are rather high and I needed a cushioning shoe to absorb the extra impact. All this time I thought it was me, but it was my shoes! 3 weeks into my new shoes and I did a 7.5 miler with no issues....I was so happy. I hope you find the right solution for your feet problem!
Thanks Harold! I am so glad you found a great shoe that works for you. It is funny how something so simple as running can turn in to something so complicated because of the wrong shoe. I hope I find my perfect pair soon!
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